High Speed Production Mills
The KADY® Mill is an efficient, high speed dispersion mill capable of quickly reducing agglomerates to their ultimate particle size, and efficiently producing fine dispersions, suspensions and high quality emulsions. KADY® Mills can disperse, emulsify, suspend, cook, aerate, and deaerate. Lab, pilot and production mills are available in top entry or bottom entry models and range in size from one pint to 2,000 gallons batch (or 3 to 500 gallons per minute continuous flow-see Continuous Flow Mills.) All mills may be specifically engineered to your specifications with options including variable frequency for mixing speed and temperature, vacuum and pressure abilities, sweep arm, cooled mixing shafts, and jacketed vessels, to name only a few.
The KADY® operates on a principal of impact and attrition utilizing a slotted rotor inside a slotted stator. Acting as a centrifugal pump, the KADY® forces material through the radial slots and hurls it off the slot tips at 9,000 feet per minute against the stator slots. This produces efficient wetting-out of the solid phase and stable suspensions, dispersions and emulsions are quickly achieved.
The KADY® is sometimes used in concert with other mixers and mills (see KADY® Premilling,) but most dispersions can be completed in ONE STEP. The KADY® often eliminates the need for pre-mix and post mix letdown.
Free lab test services are available to test your mixing process, and all results in the Kady test lab correlate to the entire line of KADY® lab, pilot and production mills.