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Free Lab Test your Product Your Specs 3 Easy Steps

Send us your materials and we'll send you results!

Kady's tried and true field tested rotor stator technology has more applications than an iPhone. Dispersions for paint, ink, cosmetics, minerals, agricultural products and many many more. We can show you exactly how it can work for your application.

Give Todd Kritzer a call at 207-883-4141.

We send the final product back to you for evaluation with our report on the process.

And our recommendation on which Kady would meet your volume, speed, space requirements and budget. Here's the good part. Kady's lab mills are designed to create results that are reproducible and can be directly extrapolated to the exact floor size Kady that would be determined to fill your company's needs. We have a full range of mills, from table top sized lab mills to large production sizes such as the 500 B shown here.

Test a Kady mill right on your floor, in your line.

We're confident you will be impressed with our samples and our report. To help prove the process we have rental machines available. In fact, if we have a pilot or small size production machine available we'll offer you a short term loaner. You pay the shipping only. You test our Kady mill right on your floor, in your line. After a fair trial we complete the purchase agreement. Or you send it back to us.